Message from the President

Asahi Eito Co., Ltd. was founded in the Kyoho era, about 300 years ago (1716-1736)
It originates from the start of production of Ibushi roofing tiles in the area of Sumiyoshi Osaka.
(The roof tiles are also manufactured by Miyagawara tiles (delivered to shrines and temples nationwide), boasting a history of 1800 years we were engaged in the use of palace tiles for the Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine.)

Since then, we have succeeded in the era of ceramics. During the Taisho period (1912-1926), we have begun manufacturing toilets, bricks, and earthenware pipes. In the early Showa period, we have manufactured “blue porcelain toilets,” and in 1935 we established a sanitary ware plant and began full-scale manufacturing.

In 1950, we became a corporate organization under the name “Tanji Seito Co., Ltd.” In 1964, we changed our name to Asahi Eito Co., Ltd., and in 1967, we listed our shares on the Second Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.
Subsequently, we closed our domestic sanitary ware plant in Osaka Prefecture in 2009 along with the transition of the times. By switching our mainstay sanitary ware and faucets to procurement from China, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and many other Asian countries, we have built a system to deliver more reasonable and superior quality products to our customers.
At the same time, in 2011 we established VINA ASAHI, an overseas sales subsidiary in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and began building a sales network in various Asian countries, mainly in Vietnam.
In August 2019, we formulated a new Medium-Term Management Plan. We have boldly withdrawn from and substantially restructured domestic unprofitable businesses, where excessive competition is remarkable, to concentrate on businesses that can secure stable earnings. At the same time, we have conducted business activities to respond to major changes in the times in order to grow our company and become a mainstay of earnings in overseas businesses, particularly in Asia, where significant growth is expected, particularly in VINA ASAHI, our overseas subsidiary.
However, amid the prolonged impact of the Corona crisis, it is difficult for our single business to accumulate significant results. Therefore, at the General Meeting of Shareholders held in 2022, the management team was revamped, and at a meeting of the Board of Directors held after the General Meeting of Shareholders held by the new management team, we confirmed that we would launch new businesses as soon as possible to make them second and third pillars, in addition to the sanitary ware business, which is our main business.
2022 Taking the fiscal year as an opportunity for our second foundation, we will strive to improve the performance of our core business while conducting business activities to become a new Asahi Eito Co., Ltd. with the aim of expanding sales through new businesses.